Booklovers will appreciate the commonalities and interaction between the written word and the transitory nature of photography in “Escaping Culture – The Reckoning” a visual perspective on a wide variety of contemporary topics through the interaction of three separate but connected mediums – a trinity of social commentary, photography, and parody. Photography is the visual language used to interact with prose, and caricature by design cuts through prevailing attitudes and conformity. These forms of expression are intrinsically related, sister-means of reflection, and revelation. Collaboratively they strip bare ambiguity, converging on matters readers should be informed and not on extraneous content that clouds the mind suffocating instinct, intuition, and common sense. The book is available on Amazon in June 2020.


Influenced by surroundings, music, like water, seeks its level. Sometimes it rocks, sometimes it rolls, and sometimes it regresses and spews muck to shore. Or, sadly, in this case, Grunge to Seattle’s Alki beach.  Having lived through the entire birth and growth of Rock & Roll, I can’t, to this day, wrap my head around this “musical” phenomenon.


Photo by Cristina Romero Palma – Shutterstock 513321664

Escaping Culture – The Reckoning

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