Category Archives: Social

Good Morning, Virginia

I believe providence and misfortune wage a constant battle in our lives, with the winner ultimately determining our time on earth.  Why, where and when they come calling is a mystery.  

Cutting the POC Cord

Speech in harmonic sermon sways and persuades congregations, and lures the agnostic among us. I admit it. As a brown man; as a person of color (POC), I fell for Obama’s songbook hook, line, and sinker. No need to list the duplicitous policy betrayals that have disillusioned me since every day brings new ones. I […]

Feeling the Bern

I can’t help but marvel at the growing anti-elitist movement taking place in real time.  As a lifelong populist, left of liberal, just barely right of anarchist – I welcome the long overdue makings of a people-first political campaign.

In The Land Of The Blind

We on the outside looking in, see what you choose to ignore. Or to put it another way – as Tom Waits did in his song “Singapore”… “…in the land of the blind, even a one-eyed man is king.”

Cultural Self-Preservation

“Power concedes nothing without demand.  It never did and never will.” – Frederick Douglas. As multicultural and multiracial (primarily raised and identifying as Latino and Pascua Yaqui Indian) I’ve long felt compelled to offer a counter-narrative to commonly held perceptions about the Latino community.


Culture is not in our DNA; it’s not a birthright. Communal authority teaches our norms and customs. As children, we have little choice, but to absorb what is encouraged, promoted and expected. We’re innocents, compliant and susceptible to the edicts of our hosts.  

Trojan Horse

In the interim I’ll listen to only symphonic compositions, grab a two-finger scotch, or a Washington state legal marijuana joint – or both – and purge away the vocal styling and rapture of Obama-Speak.

A Cowboy Thing

The old man still had some magic in him. He sat up erect, smiled, winked, picked up his sweat-stained cowboy hat that lay on the nightstand and waved it high above his head.

Pocho-Going Rogue

I discovered that the whole of me is greater than the sum of my parts and makes my story unlike most, given I chose to embrace my ethnicities entirely, not as separate distinctions capable of wielding favor or force.  I’m good with that.  I like being whole.

She Works Without A Net

And so it came to be. Whether her ascent up the trapeze rope ladder was by force or by choice, she scaled intrepidly up, into the unknown.